
2 August 2024

Dear Mmabatho and Natalia
We wanted to take a moment to express our sincerest gratitude for the exceptional service and support you have consistently provided to us over the years. Your dedication to quality and timely deliveries has been instrumental in our success.
Your professionalism and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed. We truly value our relationship and look forward to continuing us working together for many more successful projects.
Thank you once again for being such a reliable and outstanding part of our lives
10 June 2024

Good day Natalia
I hope you had a great weekend, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the service and help on Friday it was A class and I really appreciate you helping us out.
You really saved our buts and we are super super grateful.

Have a wonderful week further hopefully we can return the favour one day.

31 May 2024

Hi Cherie

You are still the supplier that provides us with the best service by far! 

29 APRIL 2024

Hi Cherie

Well done to the Amrod team, for not hesitating to assist clients in collections and dispatch when things are real there, for putting clients first. Caring and helping clients is what they do.

18 DECEMBER 2023

Hi Cherie

We would like to thank you and the Amrod team for all your amazing assistance and help throughout 2023. It really helps to have a good product and back up team to be able to sell with confidence and know we can deliver! Without Amrod and staff we would not have been able to have grown the way we did in 2023 so again, THANK YOU ALL!! We are looking forward to 2024 with Amrod at our side!!

Hope you all have a wonderful and restful festive season with loved ones.

Kind regards


21 NOVEMBER 2023

To Whom It May Concern

I would just like to commend you on the wonderful service we receive from Cindy and Marvin at the Pretoria branch. They are friendly and so accommodating.

It is an absolute pleasure to deal with them.

Employees of the Year.

Kind regards


10 NOVEMBER 2023

Hi Natalia

The bottles were delivered to our client yesterday, they are over the moon with them and very happy.

I have collected the mugs and the small items, and I must say, what a great job your team have done, for getting that logo just right. A big thank you Natalia for making this project happen.

Well done.

13 OCTOBER 2023

Natalia I would be lost without you.

I need some tips from you on how you manage to do everything and still be on top of everything. Really Natalia, I truly appreciate everything you do for our team when it comes to these small things.

Kind Regards, Nicole


Dear Pavee,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding service you have provided to our organization over the duration of your consultancy with us.

From the moment you joined our team, your expertise, professionalism, and dedication have had a significant and positive impact on our projects and operations. Your ability to analyse complex issues, develop innovative solutions, and communicate them effectively has been instrumental in helping us overcome various challenges and achieve our objectives.

Your commitment to delivering high-quality work within the agreed-upon timelines has consistently impressed us. You have consistently gone above and beyond our expectations, and your contributions have not only improved our processes but also enhanced our overall performance. Your work has been invaluable in helping us make informed decisions and drive positive changes in our organization.

Furthermore, your collaborative and team-oriented approach has made it a pleasure to work with you. Your ability to work seamlessly with our internal teams and stakeholders has fostered a spirit of cooperation and synergy that has greatly benefited our projects.

It is not just your technical expertise that sets you apart but also your exceptional interpersonal skills and your dedication to customer satisfaction. You have consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of our needs and have consistently delivered solutions that align with our goals and vision.

In recognition of your outstanding service and contributions, we would like to express our gratitude and commend you for your exceptional work. We look forward to the possibility of continuing our collaboration in the future, as we are confident that your expertise will continue to be a valuable asset to our organization.

Once again, thank you for your exceptional service, dedication, and the positive impact you have had on our projects and our team. We truly appreciate your efforts and professionalism.

Thank you once again for your exemplary service.

Sincerely, Vinisha

3 AUGUST 2023

Good evening.

I hope you are doing well.

I would like to give a huge compliment to the layout artist Sibusiso that has done my layouts tonight. There were 6x different items and he did not make any errors and followed my instructions 100% perfectly – this happened a long ago and I am so impressed. I had also requested a change on one of the items due to my error and he changed it for me so quickly and sent it back to me for approval and I could approve before midnight.

I am really sooooo impressed with this specific layout artist, I hope that he can assist me again in future, it was such a pleasure working with this person.

Thank you so much for your great assistance.

Kind Regards


28 JULY 2023

Moipone, you have been absolutely amazing! Thank you so much.

I do know that Amrod is a company that does attempt to go the extra mile and you have certainly been one that did your best to make sure that this happens.

I was highly stressed as the client would've been left with no option whatsoever if I got back to her after business hours only to say we can't have the stock in Durban on Monday morning. I have to admit, I sat with my phone nearby all day and your calls were most anticipated. Thank you!

Is there anything I can do to rate your service, show appreciation, etc? Are you allowed to receives gifts of appreciation?

Warm Regards


14 JULY 2023

Good morning Natalia,

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday.

Gerrit and I were just talking, and I thought I'd send you a mail.

We just want to thank Amrod for your continued effort and excellent service.
It really is a pleasure working with Amrod and all the staff.

You guys really operate at a different level and provide unbelievable service.

You are definitely No Limit's preferred supplier.

Kind Regards Joannie

13 JULY 2023

Hope you well and having a great Thursday!

As per our chat I wanted to send an email to ask you to send my email to say THANK YOU to the Layout Department, this week you can see that there has been a HUGE improvement with getting the proofs through to us sooner, I know there has been some challenges due to the new layout artists being trained and a new system etc…

So THANK YOU Layout TEAM for your efforts to send through the proofs so much quicker – it’s very appreciated!

Hope you all have a Happy FriYAY tomorrow!

Thank you

25 JUNE 2023

Good evening Moipone M.

I trust that you're well.

Moipone, thank you very much for helping me and may the good Lord bless you, you are such an amazing Manager.

Keep it up my Angel.

Thanks again.


13 JUNE 2023

Greetings Team

Thank you so much Moipone M. for solving the problem for us, I wish everyone at Amrod was like you, you deserve a big salary and a BMW. I put it in writing so that your boss can see that you are very valuable.

Thank you, we appreciate you helping us.

Good day

09 JUNE 2023

Good morning Natalia

What an "Awesome, Remarkable, Sensational, Wonderful, Positive, Lovely" and I add utterly SMASHING email to receive this morning!

This gives such motivation and enthusiasm to our Team, thank you so much!

We keep climbing with YOU.


08 JUNE 2023

Hi Natalia

Ah thank you for the awesome news.

Thank you for your continuous support, patience and constant willingness to help and lead the team where necessary.

You are an absolutely rock star and we appreciate you as our account manager at Amrod. We could not have it done it without you.

Kind regards Sandra Minnaar

05 JUNE 2023

Hi Omer

I'm well thank you, I trust you will have a good one too.

Side note* - Charline has been a phenomenal Key account manager and she lives the Amrod Customer service ethos and values - we had other options our client wanted to go with but we opted for Amrod because of the service we receive from her. Keep up the great work Charline!


22 MAY 2023

Hi Edward

I hope you are splendid?

I hereby would to make you aware of the service I have received from Shakila the last couple of months (coincidentally, I get called to her table regularly - at collections)
She has been more than a pleasure to work with, exceptional customer care, and I wish I am able to see her every time I get to Amrod for my assistance.

Please do have this message reach her


10 MAY 2023

Thank you Natalia

I would really like to express my thanks to you for assisting in getting this order out, the way you did.

Thank you for always putting in the extra effort to help us reach out delivery dates.
Kind Regards

03 MARCH 2023

It was indeed a fantastic event, never felt so at home at Amrod and still looking to attend more of such informative functions and more than everything to grow the current relationship we have with Amrod as we grow as a business.

Thank You Soraya Lowe and the Amrod team, the tour was so amazing


16 JANUARY 2023

Good morning Natalia,

Thank you for always assisting and for your excellent service.

Kind Regards